The nagging question hanging over the proposed repeal of HB2 —what if the legislature votes to repeal and then another city—or Charlotte, for that matter—passes another ordinance similar to the ordinance that got this whole thing started?

Rep. John Blust, R-Guilford, told the News & Record (emphasis mine):

We did not seek this out,” said Rep. John Blust. “A year ago, I would have never predicted this happening. Goodness, what might happen in 2017?”
He said Charlotte’s actions concerned him, but also, “If I vote to repeal today and tomorrow Durham meets and does the same thing, then we look crazy. I would repeal if there’s a way to make it the final thing, that this issue goes away.”

I certainly hope no one believes that in today’s political climate that would not happen. I consider myself pretty naive—but not that naive.