Picture 1Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan has been trying to assume red-tinged credentials for her 2014 re-election bid, doing such things as claiming to support the Second Amendment because, well, hunters should be able to hunt, you know.

But today her natural-left instincts won out (or Harry Reid threatened her with a broom-closet office) when an amendment that would have eliminated the “death tax,” a tax on estates, upon which the passing loved one has already paid taxes once, came up for a vote:

During the Senate “Vote-O-Rama” tonight, Senator John Thune (South Dakota), offered an amendment (#307) to permanently abolish the federal death tax during the consideration of the Senate Democrat budget. …

Among the Senators who opposed full repeal of this unfair tax that hurts their constituents were: Mark Pryor (AR), Mary Landrieu (LA), Mark Begich (AK), Mark Udall (CO), and Kay Hagan (NC) — all considered vulnerable in their re-election bids in 2014.

The estate tax, like abortion, is one of the pillars of the Democratic left’s catechism. To mess with it is to begin the slippery slide to, well, freedom, and Democrats can’t have that. I think the voters of North Carolina will remember this vote next year.

Now, what will really be interesting is to see whether this vote appears anywhere in North Carolina’s left-wing mainstream media tomorrow.