According to a new report by the left-wing Center for American Progress (CAP), students in North Carolina and elsewhere say that school is a breeze.

Percent of NC 4th Graders Who Say Math Work Is Too Easy

Never or Hardly Ever: 15%

Sometimes: 52%

Often: 20%

Always or Almost Always: 13%

Percent of NC 8th Graders Who Say Math Work Is Too Easy

Never or Hardly Ever: 20%

Sometimes: 55%

Often: 18%

Always or Almost Always: 7%

According to researchers Ulrich Boser and Lindsay Rosenthal,

You might think the nation’s teenagers are drowning in school work. Images of students buried in textbooks often grace the covers of popular parenting magazines, while suburban teenagers complain about the length of their homework assignments.

But when we recently examined a federal survey of students in public schools around the country, we found the opposite—many students said they were not being challenged. Consider, for instance, that 37 percent of fourth graders say their math work is too easy. More than a third of high-school seniors report that they hardly ever write about what they read in class.

Unsurprisingly, they call for higher, more challenging standards.