I was wondering why I hadn’t heard of green gyms, yet.

What I hate most about exercise is its futility. With no hope of becoming a supermodel, there is no point to having a beautiful body. Now, some people want to be hot, and politicians definitely want to legislate hot bodies with low BMI’s, but wannabes drop out of gyms a month or two after sealing their New Year’s resolutions. Gyms can’t even retain clients with membership packages.

So why not tie a gym to a school. Exercise equipment would generate electricity for the school’s lights, heater, etc. Members can commit to any length of time that they want to generate. Then, they can gain a sense worth for playing the part of a gerbil on a treadmill. If people don’t keep their commitments, they risk making students sit in cold, dark rooms without computers and eat cold lunches.

This could also put to use myriad big boxes that remain empty from the area’s industrial exodus. That, in return, would absolve economic development professionals from having to bribe industrialists to locate in our area with unfair tax cuts.