So he’ll make implications and trust you to draw the “correct” conclusion. I just wonder what took him so long; his spin on the events was eminently predictable as his side has only one popgun in their li’l arsenal, and his fellow travelers have all weighed in already.

Here are the items Christensen strings together in his enthymematic case:

  • The new majority of the Wake County School Board is conservative.
  • The new lawyer hired by this group, Thomas Farr, is often hired by corporations.
  • They hire him to fight off discrimination lawsuits and employment suits.
  • Republicans hire him to fight off redistricting suits.
  • George W. Bush wanted to make him a federal judge.

Dude is evil, y’all.

  • Farr has no experience as an “education attorney.”
  • He has experience fighting civil-rights lawsuits, so he’ll be a “wartime consigliere” (to the Mafia dons now in charge of WCPSS, you see).
  • Aaaaand, saving the worst for last, his mentor is (gulp) Tom Ellis. Tom Ellis! The Tom Ellis of Jesse Helms/Ronald Reagan infamy. Tom Even-Satan-Is-Scared-Of-Him Ellis.
  • Without going into a lot of detail, let’s just say Tom Ellis was a hard-core segregationist over five decades ago and had bad views on race that I can’t actually state straight up but I’ll make my implications again.
  • Granted, Farr’s views on race aren’t necessarily Ellis’ views.

But you gotta know that they are — and they could be worse! The whole passive-aggressive conclusion about the new majority on the Wake County School Board depends on it!