Sorry to get this to you late, but I just found out that this week is No Name-Calling Week.

I downloaded a ten-page list of No Name-Calling Week from the NNCW website. These selected lessons and activities were actually conducted by schools and/or teachers:

– We asked [a local GLSEN chapter and LGBT youth group] members to develop a lunchtime No Name-Calling Workshop for us.

– Peace Train.

– Teacher activity for class?squeeze toothpaste out of tube try to get it back in ? can?t. Just like names and words once they are said can?t take them back. Need to think about what you say.

– Performing a play entitled ?Alice In Sexual Assault Land.?

– Thursday-wear your clothing backwards with the idea that words can hurt and you can?t take them back and that a good person always has another?s back.

– With small group of students had them watch a self esteem video and write a list of all the negative phrases and words they?ve heard and or used and then shredded them up! With the same group of students (5) I had them write a list of positive words and phrases they?ve used and heard and we pasted them up.

– Purchased a watch for everyone in school that says ?Stop the violence now.?