Twice in three weeks a preacher has been given a public forum to speak about Jesus and the Gospel, and twice in three weeks that preacher has asserted a very political, small Jesus whose politics dovetails neatly with that of current American “progressives” — and left the Gospel out of it.

So what gospel is there? It’s the “gospel” of the political Jesus who, this movement asserts, actually “wouldn’t care for” their political opponents; whose most noteworthy accomplishment was “setting up free health clinics“; whose morality and faith is to grow government because caring for the poor is best rendered unto Caesar and asserting otherwise is not just unchristian apostasy but also actual “hate, harm, and hurt.”

It’s a political gospel, nothing more. Though to the “progressive” mindset there is nothing more important than politics. Thus the assertion of “public morality, social justice, and government policies,” “unchristian policies” that are unchristian insofar as they differ from the “social Gospel,” which is indeed “the politics of God.”

(Were this preacher of a different political inclination, here would follow weeks upon weeks of media, academic, and citizen outrage over impending “theocracy.” If, however, one were to wave a sign asking “Can We Please Leave God Out of Politics?” it would be in support of such rhetoric.)

Doubting Thomas that I am — if such a term can be given to one who believes that the principle of Esse Quam Videri applies even to policies asserted to be God’s only way of caring for the poor — I must once again point out that this “public morality” demands the following “moral” policies for the poor: