According to left wing pundits and activists new rules governing voting in North Carolina have suppressed the vote among African Americans and young people in this past year’s election. Using turnout data showing that voter participation rates among these voting groups were actually up this year as compared to 2010, Pope Foundation President John Hood argues in his Daily Journal article today, that the leftist claims cannot be sustained. With all due respect, I think that Hood’s analysis is wrong, since progressives, by definition, are always right. This is because progressives argue on behalf of justice. How do we know that? Their organizations often have the word justice in the title–what additional proof do we need? So, if the left is always arguing on behalf of justice, and justice cannot be wrong when those you are arguing against are unjust, then progressives must always be right–if you follow my drift. So, given that there was voter suppression because the left says there was, the only explanation for the data that Hood reviews is that those who were suppressed felt so rebellious in the face of the injustice that was being foisted upon them that, in pure defiance of their suppressors, they came out in even greater numbers than usual.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

PS–You might be a progressive if you think the logic of this post is sound.