• Republican U.S. Senate nominee Thom Tillis comes out swinging against Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan and her attendance record at security hearings dealing with the Islamic State.


• The King, Richard Petty, endorses Tillis in an ad sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


• A polling firm focusing on Hispanic voters says Hagan — and several other Democratic Senate candidates — haven’t provided enough outreach to Hispanics and could suffer at the polls as a result.

• New York Times election blogger Nate Cohn finds a hidden nugget in the recent CNN/ORC poll of the Senate race that could change perceptions for the electoral prospects of Tillis and Hagan.

• A host of Democratic candidates, led by 12th District U.S. Rep. Alma Adams, Supreme Court candidate Sam J. Ervin IV, and Appeals Court candidate Mark Davis will speak Oct. 6 at the annual Shrimperoo fundraiser in Davidson County.