Like President Obama, National Review‘s Jonah Goldberg wants your money to help support his organization. But Goldberg takes a different approach to his appeal for cash.

I was going to start this with an Obama joke along the lines, “If you love me, you’ll donate to NRO.” But there are a few problems. First, I’d hate to seem like I think you people owe me anything or that I take it for granted that you all love me. Anyone who’s peered into the Ark of the Covenant face-melting maelstrom that is my e-mail inbox knows that’s not the case. Second, as Tina Turner said, “Ike! I’m calling 911!” Oh sorry, wrong quote. As Tina Turner said, “What’s love got to do, got to do with it?”

Last, and most important, Obama has no intention or expectation that his “must-pass” bill will be passed. Meanwhile, we really, really need this fundraising appeal to work. …

… And when I say “ask,” I mean ask. When President Obama and the New York Times say “ask” they mean “command.” President Obama constantly says his proposals would simply “ask” for more money from the “rich.” But that’s not what they mean, at all. If passed, the government would “ask” taxpayers for money the same way Don Corleone “asked” Jack Woltz to put Johnny Fontane in that movie.

No, I’m not saying that the government is a criminal enterprise. But I am saying that it is criminally dishonest to say that tax hikes simply amount to “asking” people for more money. It’s not really a request if saying no involves being sent to prison.

Well, this is a request you can refuse. If you can’t swing sending us a few bucks, don’t. If you don’t think we’re worth it, don’t.